A number of great people have stepped up to join the Valley County Pathways Board of Directors in the last year or so. In a series of profiles on our web site, we’ll introduce all of our board members in the coming weeks.


Jim Zokan first moved to Grangeville, Idaho in 1993 to take a job with the Nez Perce National Forest. It was his first job after graduating from the University of Wisconsin in Stevens Point, WI. He visited the McCall area to ski and enjoy Payette Lake. He then moved to New Mexico and Oregon for about 5 years and came back to Boise to work for the EPA. He bought a house in McCall in 2000.

“I plan to retire in McCall so I can enjoy all the outdoor activities that Valley County has to offer.”

Q: What attracted you to get involved with Valley County Pathways?

A: I love to bike and hike and I like what Pathways is doing for Valley County citizens and their visitors. By giving people the opportunity to have paths that connect us to the outdoors and have a safe place to hike and bike while connecting us to all parts of the County. I want to be able to help establish more pathways by providing some of the resource planning experience I have aquired by working in the Natural Resource/Environmental Field over the past 30 years.

Q: Do you think the vision of creating a valley-wide trail network that connects our communities is feasible?

A: Yes. There are a lot of dedicated board members and general members of Valley County Pathways who want to see this dream realized.

Q: What is your favorite trail in the Valley County area?

A: That is a hard question. There are so many beautiful areas within the Valley that have great trails. If I have to pick one I would say the Loon Lake Loop trail is a place I like to take friends visiting from other places that are not as spectacular as what we have in Valley County. The trail has a great variety of scenery and trail that can challenge folks of all biking skill levels.

Q: What do you like about biking or hiking in Valley County?

A:  Variety of scenery, skill levels and usually you feel like you are the only one on the trail.

Q: Tell us about your day job?

A: I have a degree in Watershed Management and a Soil Science Minor and have worked for the federal government for most of my career in Natural Resources/Environmental Management. I presently work for the EPA as an Environmental Specialist working with the Tribes in the Bristol Bay Region of AK, helping them develop Environmental Programs to protect their homelands.

Q: Tell us about your family? Children, etc.

A: My girlfriend Krista and I both love to take hikes with our dog Reya.

Q: What would be your ultimate dream for trails in Valley County?

A: The ability to bike from McCall to Cascade on a trail that is off of the road system.

Thanks Jim!

Do you have questions or feedback? You can reach Jim at [email protected].

Contacts for all VCP board members can be found here.

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